Blue-Collar Jobs Boom!

Job Postings change since February 2020

In February The Wall Street Journal published this headline for a story on the growth of jobs in residential construction, package delivery, and warehousing since the pandemic began
. Spurred by the growth of online shopping, the rise in warehousing jobs is expected to continue post-pandemic.

The article reports the story of Trenton Williams, 28, who lost his job as a cook early in 2020. After earning a forklift certification, he found a job at a Pitney Bowes distribution center in the summer. He was able to earn up to $21/hour with holiday overtime and plans to stay in warehousing. (Link to The Wall Street Journal article: Blue-Collar Jobs Boom

Like Mr. Williams, three adults in Aspire's March forklift certification class had formerly been employed in food services and were now seeking warehouse jobs. In just four days they and their classmates completed a financial literacy course and received Professional Industrial Truck (PIT) and OSHA safety certifications. Partner ReadyToWork provided the certification curricula and assisted students in their job searches.

Generous funding from United Way Metropolitan Dallas, Bank of America, and the Hattie Mae Lesley Foundation directly support 2021 programs that are free of charge to participants. A new grant from the Caruth Foundation allows us to expand to include certifications for Logistics Associates and Technicians.

More than one hundred students each year are provided a hand up during these trying times. We are grateful to all our donors for providing support for these hard-working adults and their families.

- Linda K. Johnson, Ph.D.
Aspire President and CEO

Aspire Has Teamed Up with "Lead with Literacy!" A Virtual Fundraiser Aiming to Transform Thousands of Lives with the Gift of Reading and Writing!

Who: Aspire is joining forces with KERA's Krys Boyd, host of the nationally acclaimed call-in-radio program "Think" and "A Way with Words" radio co-hosts and language experts, Martha Barnette & Grant Barrett, to present a "Lead with Literacy!" virtual fundraiser supporting nonprofits teaching thousands of Texans to read and write.

30 Texas nonprofits—located in DFW, Greater Houston, the Rio Grande Valley, East Texas and towns across the state—will receive funds raised by this first-of-a-kind virtual event, where co-hosts will discuss how the gift of literacy transforms lives.

When: 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2021

Proceeds from your ticket purchase will be donated to Aspire when you select us as the nonprofit you would like to receive proceeds on the ticket purchase screen.

Why: Millions of Texans are unable to read and write and Texas ranks 47th nationwide in literacy. Literacy was one of the critical social services that tumbled during the COVID-Slide, and this fundraiser will provide critical support to nonprofits working with adult students across the state.

Where: Buy tickets and donate here

Lead with Literacy!

Ivory Dunn Headshot Student Spotlight

This month we shine the spotlight on a student who loves attending classes at Aspire so much that she coordinates personal appointments around her class schedule and refuses to let anything interfere with her learning. Ivory first enrolled in Aspire's GED preparation program when she realized she had to write an important letter to her housing program but did not know how. "I didn't read that well. I had to use my phone to write a letter," said Ivory.

Too often people assume adults without an education simply were not motivated to finish school
. All too often, they were not given the support they needed, from institutions, systems, and even their own families. Both a diligent and hard-working student, Ivory was motivated to improve her reading and writing and obtain her GED. One aspect of the GED program that Ivory enjoys the most is reading. "I can use a calculator for math, but you can't use a calculator for reading. Your computer can spell check, but I am reading. I am reading better than I ever have in my entire life and I am proud of myself," said Ivory.

"Ivory is a great student. She comes to class on time, does her homework, participates well, and is eager to learn. [She] encourages others and is optimistic," said Ivory's Math teacher Rebecca Brady. We are proud of Ivory and look forward to seeing her continue to succeed.
Dr. Linda K. Johnson
Aspire President and CEO

“A lifetime of learning helps us give the best of ourselves to our communities.”

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